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Dr Dina Zisserman-Brodsky

a member lecturer of the Department for Politics and Government at the Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva and vice chairman of Our Heritage - the Charter of Democracy. Zisserman is a former activist in Russia, a member of the collective Trust Group, which aimed to instil democratic values in Russia. Currently, she is a political activist in Israel. Most Russian immigrants, some of whom were involved in a dissident activity in former USSR are very much identified with right-wing political tendencies and activities in Israel. I chose Zisserman because she represents a unique voice. She is a left-wing activist who is part of Our Heritage- the Charter of Democracy association, founded by Russian speaking immigrants. Furthermore, she obtains a general perspective regarding the connection between the two states and their political cultures, both in the past and in the present. Through this interview I aimed to develop my own thesis further, referring to the Soviet past as a potential future in Israel; to understand how Russian immigrants influence the Israeli political climate; what are the similarities between both of these political cultures; is there a current threat to the Israeli democracy and can the Soviet history repeat itself in Israel.

Tatyana Kursina

Former Director of museum Perm 36. In her interview, she tells the story of the museum’s foundation; who established this institution and why; what was the agenda behind its function and how did the museum’s activity change in recent years. Throughout her interview, she tells the unique story behind the museum’s current controversy and how it became a tool in the hands of the government in an attempt to re-tell/deform or even erases the Soviet fascist past for the benefit of Putin’s regime.

Part 1
Part 3

Ilya Budraitskis

historian and activist. His interview focused on his perspective on history: how is history written and how it can affect the present day; how he sees his own role as a historian in the current Russian regime; and finally, what, in his view, is the role of historical museums.



Irina Fligel

Director of Memorial Society in St. Petersburg. Throughout her interview I tried to understand how the current political climate affects Memorial’s activity. Fligel referred to history as ‘repeating itself’ while demonstrating how the current regime has implemented the lessons of the past in their behalf.



Boris Mirkin


Mirkin was a political prisoner during Brezhnev’s regime, who was sent to a labour camp after writing a poem criticizing the government

Elizaveta Delibash


Delibash was a little girl when both of her parents were sent to labour camps during the Stalinist regime, where they were killed. She tells her biography and the grave affect this part of history, had on the rest of her life.

Part 2
Part 4

Rabbi Michael Rivkin


former political prisoner (dissident) and one of the founders of BT’selem. Rivkin is an unusual figure amongst former Soviet political prisoners in Israel. He is a left- wing activist, He is not a Prisoner of Zion and therefore, his story did not enter the Zionist narrative. He sees his current activity as a direct continuation of his dissident activity during the Soviet epoch. Throughout his interview and through his personal story he told of the experiences that shaped his worldview and how he sees his political activism today in Israel verses his Soviet past.

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